Conselor's Corner

Hello, my name is Grace Rivetti and I am the school counselor at Livingston Avenue School. I am very excited to be working with you and your children this school year. The role of the school counselor is to support the social, emotional, and academic development of all students. Counselors assist students with managing their feelings, conflict resolution, friendships, self-esteem, grief/loss, family changes (e.g., divorce), social skills, coping skills, and more! Counselors regularly communicate and collaborate with staff and families to address social-emotional concerns. Teachers, administrators, and/or parents can refer a student for counseling. For more information, please click below to view my information sheet and visit the Cranford School Counseling Website. I look forward to working with you and your children!
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions or concerns.
Click the Resources tab to view information from Mrs. Rivetti on various topics!